MB Finance Astrology is a Western zodiac based tool that describes the different aspects of astrology on the business and financial profile of an individual.
This includes financial astrology, career astrology, power sign, lucky sign, communication sign & energy sign. This can be predicted for people of different sun signs based on their zodiac personality. This tool can be used as a guide to help you know the financial habits for your near and dear ones.
MB Financial Astrology is a Western zodiac based tool that describes the kind of person you are based on your financial profile. This can be predicted for people of different sun signs based on their zodiac personality. This tool can be used as a guide to help you know the financial habits for your near and dear ones.
MB Career Astrology generates your career or working profile based on the sun signs of Western Astrology. This shows more about your work profile and the different kinds of professions that suit your personality.
MB Zodiac Power Sign describes the placement of Pluto in your birth chart. This new planet is also known as the Planet of Change. This sign shows the makeover of your life and the effect of birth and death on an individual. This is based on Western Astrology.
MB Zodiac Lucky Sign describes the placement of Jupiter in your birth chart. This new planet is also known as the Planet of Luck. This sign shows the material wealth in your life and how you can improve your personality.
MB Zodiac Communication Sign describes your characteristics based on the placement of Mercury in your birth chart. Mercury is a planet which is considered to be the planet of Communication. This sign describes your communication abilities, thinking and learning capabilities. This sign also shows your decision making skills.
MB Zodiac Energy Sign describes your characteristics based on the placement of Vesta in your birth chart. Vesta is an asteroid which describes our sexual drive and the areas in which we need to concentrate, so that we don't feel drained out and are ready for the battle of life.
MB Finance Astrology - an interesting and useful tool that can determine your Finance Astrology sign based on your name and birth date.